
Showing posts from April, 2018

Power skills-- Synopsis

The way all the skills are related is that they're all the key to be able to be successful in your career. First of all, in order for you to get a job, you should always be prepared for an interview and act professionally so that you leave a good first impression. They all mention that you should be able to work in teams and to be able to have a good communication with one another in order to avoid misunderstandings, You should also be able to be prepared to solve any problems that you may come across and be able to solve them in unique ways. All these skills are important for you to succeed in your future.

Power skills- Interview Skills.

In the video that went over choice C, it was well known that the applicant was not prepared for the interview and gave a very unprofessional answer to the question that was being asked. In the second video, the applicant was well prepared and very professional. I would like to be like the second job applicant because they acted very professional meaning they probably gave a good first impression, which means they have more chances of getting the job.

Power skills-- Networking

The way that I am networking right now is by using search engines to look up information about something that I don't understand and need help with. I know I'm networking because I'm using the Internet to obtain valid information that will help me with what I'm doing.

Power skills-- Communication

Communication is a very important skill both verbally and in written because you have to be able to communicate your ideas to your co-workers and be able to receive information from them too. You have to be able to express your ideas to another person because sometimes miscommunication can happen and the person you were trying to communicate with, might end up doing something wrong.

Power Skills--Critical Thinking And Problem Solving

Critical Thinking And Problem Solving are valuable skills as a web designer because being able to over come an issue that has presented to you, is a great skill for anybody in any career. Critical thinking is a good skill for a web designer because it allows you to create original contents with unique ideas. You have to be able to think outside the box, on order to communicate well with others to solve your problems.

Power skills- Professionalism

The best way to show professionalism is to be responsible and honest. The way that you could do this in school is by completing a required task on time or using proper language when speaking in school. Also, you have to be able to communicate well with others and be productive with professional manner.

Power skills--Teamwork

The way that you work properly in a team in the workplace is by sharing the credit with your teammates. In the workplace, you should be capable of working well with others and being able to share your ideas since teamwork is essential for success. Working with others is a skill that more employers look for because it will allow everyone to accomplish more so everyone will benefit from it.