Bragging Sheet
My name is Dayanna Arias and I'm a senior at Information Technology High School. I am in my third and final year of the Visual Design CTE academy. I am interested in this field of study because I find it very interesting and in my opinion in the future, in any job that you pick, you're going to need at least something that you are going to learn in this academy. For example, coding is something that is very important no matter where you work because, as the years go by, technology is also advancing with us and sooner or later everyone is going to have to learn the proper way to code so they can modify technology to benefit them. Coding isn't only for modifying but creating. By knowing how to code, you are open to a wonderful variety of things that you can create such as your own website. You will be able to create and modify your own website to promote yourself and even use it as a fancy way to create your resume. There are also a variety of things that I have learned to ...