Introducing Me

Who are you? your name , your school name, grade and what ate academy are you and why are you interested in this field of study? what are your hobbies, dreams and goals?
Add a picture of yourself to it.

My name is Dayanna Arias and I'm a senior at Information Technology High School. I am in my third and final year of the Visual Design CTE academy and the reason I am interested in this field of study is because I find it very interesting and in my opinion in the future, in any job that you pick, you're going to need at least something that you are going to learn in this academy. For example, business cards are something everyone needs no matter what job they have because how else are they going to promote the best thing they are good at which is their job. It would save many people time and money that it requires to order and purchase these cards. Who better to do your business card than yourself because you already know what you want in your card and how you want it. The same thing goes for when you are creating a logo for let's say your company. Since you already know how to do it, you wouldn't need to go through all the hassle to find someone that can do it for you and sometimes you might even get ripped off and, in worst case scenario, get something you didn't even order for and then you can't do a refund because they will use their typical excuse "it's the company's policy."

One of my many hobbies is that I love to read. My favorite genres are very different from each other because I am a big romantic but I also love to read horror stories or anything that has to do with mystery. I've always found both genre's intriguing and even though sometimes they might be predictable, I still read them because I sometimes they might turn out way different than expected. Sometimes in my free time I like to write just random things, might me a short story or even a verse I randomly came up with. I might even rewrite entire songs that I've heard just so I can read it along while I listen to the song. My dreams and goals have always been to study criminology. I love watching shows that involve the FBI and crime solving. Some people might say its a risky job because your life is in danger 24/7 but in my opinion I think its actually very exciting because you get to live life on the edge and live everyday like its your last. I would love to work for the FBI one day and become an agent and even be part of the BAU and investigate murder or kidnap cases with the team I would be assigned to and eventually save the lives of many people and get recognized for my hard work.


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