Labs 30-35
This lab was called, "Sort Without Articles". This lab had given us a list of bands which then was sorted out by alphabetical order in the console.log. To accomplish the sorting, I had first taken the list of all the band and then removed the "a" and "the" from the sorting to make it more accurate and not have these words affect the sorting. After that, I sorted the bands out using a jQuery selector and then created a login console with the sorting having been completed. Lab 31, called "Adding Up Time With Reduce", was a lab where there were a whole bunch of video times given to me and I had to add them up using JavaScript. Most of it is on the console and you inspect element my webpage, you can see how long each said the vide is, and in console, the total time displayed for all the videos together. Lab 32 is titled, "Webcam Fun". Within this lab, I utilized the webcam on a webpage that you can use to take pictures using i...