MP2 Current Events 1

"Social media can be both bummer and boon for the brain"

In this article, it talks about the positive effects that social media can have on someones health. An example of this shows up when in the article, it is talked about how there was a girl who was up at 1:20am and couldn't sleep because she kept thinking about her boyfriend who has just broken up with her, she posted on facebook that she didn't feel so good and if there was someone she was able to talk to. Immediately 3 people whom she had met playing Quidditch responded and she was able to talk to them until she fell asleep. It has been proven that social media can also help with mental illnesses. It can create a sense of confidence and even raise your self-esteem. You have more access to people around you who can help you when you are going through a tough time but don't feel comfortable enough to talk about it with our parents.

I agree with with this article because social media has helped me. Whenever I'm feeling down, I know i can always count on my friends to cheer me up by saying something funny. I can also keep myself informed about the news around the world. For example, on Snapchat, there is this thing called "Stayed Tuned" where if you're subscribed to it, there's a guy who will summarise the news to you of around the world and I usually don't like watching the news but with this snap, I actually enjoy it and learn something at the same time. Additionally, social media is not only used for bad things as most people put it. Some people feel safe in all these different platforms because they can express themselves and who they are. It has been scientifically proven that many people from the LGBT community, come out first on social media than to their parents because they feel comfortable doing so. They know someone out there is probably going through the same thing they are and they can communicate through social media and are able to talk about it and even help each other when needed.



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