MP2 Current Events 2

"A step toward personalized, automated smart homes

System that automatically identifies people moving around indoors could enable self-adjusting homes."

There are many machines that are able to identify the occupants in their house but only when they are carrying their mobile device. But now all of that is changing thanks to a system that is called Duet. "It uses reflected wireless signals to localise individuals. But it also incorporates algorithms that ping nearby mobile devices to predict the individuals’ identities, based on who last used the device and their predicted movement trajectory. It also uses logic to figure out who’s who, even in signal-denied areas." (paragraph 3, lines 2-6) This system is very useful because it can adapt to you and make your home accommodate itself based on your needs. Not only that but it can also detect intruders and make sure strangers don't enter the private areas of your house. It can also detect differences in human behaviour and can be of huge help from someone suffering an illness and when a tragedy happens and they're alone, the system can contact the mobile device of the emergency contact of certain person.

I say this system will be of great use but also very bad. It can help people in their homes to keep them safe of intruders but it can also let them in. It doesn't really matter that it is a wireless sensor that is installed on a wall, it can also be hacked. A hacker can gain access into it an monitor your every move. It can see when you are going to be in your house or not and make it easier for them to gain access inside. Also the humans can become dependable on the system. They can get use to it doing things for them and eventually get lazy to do it themselves. Even though technology is very resourceful, it can become very addictive and we tend to get addicted to things that make things easier for us.



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