Lab 10 Reflection

Reflection Journal - (2 paragraphs): 1) Briefly explain what your task was. 2) Describe what the following tools do: the magic eraser tool, the blur tool, the dodge tool, the burn tool, the sponge tool, paint bucket tool and gradient tool. 3) What does the blending mode do? 4) What other projects can you think these tools could have helped you with? 5) Which tool did you find the best fit for you?

My task was to use the tools: magic eraser tool, blur tool, dodge tool, burn tool, sponge tool, paint bucket tool, and gradient tool on five pictures I was assigned to edit according to the directions I was given. Some of the pictures required me to only use one tool on them while others required more than one. For example in pic D all I had to use was the sponge tool. Different tools have different functions and the magic eraser tool cuts out a specific color completely out of a picture until it touches another color. The blur tool is used to help focus on a specific part of an image by letting you drag the pointer to specif areas you want to blur. The dodge tool helps to add a lighter color to an image without changing the original color but just lighten the shade. The burn tool is the opposite because it helps to darken the color of an image with just a darker shade of the orginal color. The sponge tool desaturates the picture so that the color of the image turns black and white. The paint bucket tool paints the color that you selected onto one body of color until it comes in contact with another color. Finally, the gradient tool helps to create a color that is generated by blending two colors together using the blending options.

These tools would've helped me with the project where I had to use different filters for my pictures but I had to pick filters that would still make it recognisable to see what the picture is. These would've made it easier because I wouldn't have to alter the picture too much and it would still look like it has a filter and it would still be easy to see what the picture is. The tool that would best fit me would be the paint bucket tool because it makes it easier to paint something a specific color and if you use the quick selection tool to only select what you want to paint, the paint bucket tool could help you paint faster and without painting outside the lines.



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