Project 2 Collage Lettering Reflection

    What I did in this project is that I used the quick selection tool to select Harry's body completely. I then created a mask of what I selected. I duplicated the layer of the inverse of what I selected in the beginning. I proceeded to use 8 images to fill in the white space that was left where the body should be. The 8 images had to me things that represented him. The images I used were of his movie poster: Dunkirk, the band he was in which was One Direction, The sweater he has which included all of his tattoos, a music note since he is a singer, a picture of his microphone that he always uses, a picture of fangirls which because we're basically why he has a job, a picture of the Gucci sign because his signature suits are always Gucci and money because that's something he has plenty of.
     After this, I did something called letter tracing. It consisted of me duplicating the layer with the mask on it and then adding the layer to selection. I then deleted the layer mask and was left with a cutout. Using the Type tool, I added this quote which is "Treat people with kindness", and this ended going all around his body 

creating a silhouette. Lastly, I created a new colour layer just about the layer with the tracing, and filled it with a light blue colour.
    These tools are useful to us because we now know how we can cut out part of an image and insert something else in its place. For example, when we are creating our business cards, we could have a background that we like but the image that is in the middle doesn't really go with what we want. In stead of having to pick another picture, we could cut out whats in the middle and replace it with an image that goes with what we have in mind.


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