
Showing posts from 2019

Shark Tank

For this Project, our group members were selected at random. This was to simulate the real world work environment where you don't know who you’re going to be working with until an assignment is given. The first thing we, as a group, had to do was to choose a company name. Second, each group had to create an invention/ idea that would solve one of the 17 major world wide problems. The 17 international problems is sanctioned under the United Nations: ( ).  After each group had established what there company was about, all the groups took turns interviewing each other, the reason for this was because teams would be assigned at random. For example, group 1 interviewed groups 2-10 because they didn't know which group they would be assigned. After all that, each team was given another team to have to create a webpage for. Again, you were given a random team to do to simulate the natura


On October 26th, 2019 at Columbia university a CS4ALL event was held in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month. This event was for hands-on workshops and soul-sustaining talks. This event had guests Ron Summers, Christy Crawford, Jose Olivares, Amy Henderson, Amy Hobson, Kevin Sukloo, Renae Williams, Dami Agheda, Angela Lozano, Felix Alberto, Tunisha Mitchell, Valerie Brock, Melissa Mijias Parker, Vincent Deas, Patrick G. Willamson, and David Pena. The workshop I took while I was there taught me how to incorporate Virtual Reality into an HTML file.    

WBL Workshop 2 (Child Labor Laws)

Lab 6 Reflection

For lab 6 we had to use what we learned in lab 4 to animate a box in the same way. I t was basically like a redo of lab 5 but with a stop button included. Although, in this lab we had to include a “stop” button which, when pressed, will stop the animation currently in progress. For example, if you clicked on the move animation, originally, the box would move from its initial position to wherever it’s ending position is. With the stop button you can stop the animation halfway through so the box only moves halfway to were it was supposed to be. The set up for this is the same to the lab 4. First, we create the stop button in HTML whilst giving it an ID so that we can call it with a JQuery selector. In your javascript file you add an event listener to the stop button. Then if the button is pressed you use the built in JQuery function “.stop()” which stops the animations.

Lab 5 Reflection

For Lab 5 we were required to create 5 buttons using HTML, each button triggers a unique animation that we would animate using JQuery. I first started by giving the element that I would be animating, which for me was a box, an ID so that I can call it. In a new javascript file, we used a JQuery selector to than select that ID for the object of animation to animate it. Although, before we can trigger it we must go back into the HTML and create the 5 buttons, each with a unique ID name, so that we can create an event listener for each button to check if the user had clicked any of them. The code would work like this, the moment the user clicked on a button a specific animation would play unique to that button.  

Lab 4 Reflection

For this lab, I had to pick my own ninja and then create a button that would allow anyone to create a background for that ninja. They would be able to give them a name and where they're from. Afterwards, a screen with buttons that show what the ninja could do shows up. The ninja can punch, kick and dodge. All the noises that can be heard when pressing on the buttons are customized meaning that it's me making those sound effects.

Project reflection

This was my project for the Congressional App Challenge. This app was created to inform everyone of the four main political parties around the World which helps to create their own government. The inspiration of this app was to be able to experience and learn the way governments work. Whether beneficial or harmful, it’s a good way to understand how its roots come. This app’s purpose is to inform people about political parties and how they affect the government. Then use that to construct a campaign that will win or lose the 2020 election.

Lab 3 Reflection

In this lab, I had to download a bunch of files that were going to help me implement a functionality in my web pages. I had to use the set of core technologies that drive most modern web applications, namely HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. My job was to implement it using the behaviors and functionality using JavaScript and jQuery.  These skills are important to learn because I am learning new things that I can implement on my websites and make them look more professional.

Lab 2 Reflection

What did you do in the lab? How did you do it? Why are these skills important for a web designer? In this lab we used java script and j query to create simple prompts. I c reated a simple introduction page. I did this by including an  introduction narrative along with an image of me. When you open the page, you get a pop up asking you to do something and all you have to do is keep agreeing with the popup in order to be able to get the page with my introduction. These skills are important because they helped me learn how to use JavaScript and then transfer that to j query. I learned the difference between the two. I also learned that in order to use J Query, I had to download a library and updated it as I go along.

Bragging Sheet

My name is Dayanna Arias and I'm a senior at Information Technology High School. I am in my third and final year of the Visual Design CTE academy. I am interested in this field of study because I find it very interesting and in my opinion in the future, in any job that you pick, you're going to need at least something that you are going to learn in this academy. For example, coding is something that is very important no matter where you work because, as the years go by, technology is also advancing with us and sooner or later everyone is going to have to learn the proper way to code so they can modify technology to benefit them. Coding isn't only for modifying but creating. By knowing how to code, you are open to a wonderful variety of things that you can create such as your own website. You will be able to create and modify your own website to promote yourself and even use it as a fancy way to create your resume. There are also a variety of things that I have learned to

CTE diploma

Write minimum 2 paragraph explaining what is the difference between a region's, advance region's diploma and having a CTE endorsement in either one, What are the requirements for each one of them. How achieving a CTE endorsement would benefit you personally? What are the unique benefits of obtaining the CTE endorsement thru the Web Design Academy? There are many differences between a Region's and an Advance Region's diploma. One of them is that an  Advance Region's diploma would show that you did way more work than what was required to graduate high school. It shows that you are a student who exceeded in school and it tends to be recommended for students who will attend college after high school. Both diplomas are good but the Advance Region's diploma can save you a lot of time and money because some colleges tend to exempt you from taking certain courses because you have already meet the requirements for the Advance Region's diploma. A Region's diplom

Introducing Me

Who are you? your name , your school name, grade and what ate academy are you and why are you interested in this field of study? what are your hobbies, dreams and goals? Add a picture of yourself to it. My name is Dayanna Arias and I'm a senior at Information Technology High School. I am in my third and final year of the Visual Design CTE academy and the reason I am interested in this field of study is because I find it very interesting and in my opinion in the future, in any job that you pick, you're going to need at least something that you are going to learn in this academy. For example, business cards are something everyone needs no matter what job they have because how else are they going to promote the best thing they are good at which is their job. It would save many people time and money that it requires to order and purchase these cards. Who better to do your business card than yourself because you already know what you want in your card and how you want it. The

LAB 20

              In this lab you had to create a guessing game. There will be a limit to how far you can guess. If the number the player has guessed is lower than the selected number, it would say "Too Low". But if the number the player guesses higher then a "Too high" text will show up. This goes on until the player eventually guesses the correct number. The code for this isn't as complicated because it mostly consists of IF statements stated to "True" or "False".

Lab 19

       In this lab you had to do the same thing as lab 18 except that there was a twist. In this lab, the first value was already set to the number five. The only other value you could choose  was the second one. This required less code because I had to set the value of the first place holder as five and only fix the code for the second value so any number can once again be written. You had to just use the same code as lab 18 except that you had to modify it so it only works with one value.

Lab 18

         In this lab I used Dreamweaver to create an online calculator. All you are required to do is just plug in a value in the first place holder and then another value in the second one. You then proceed to select an option of what you would like the computer to do with both values. This lab was a bit complicated because it was kind of hard for me to figure out the individual code to get each of the buttons to work. Also I had to make sure that that code would work for any value that will be placed in the value holders.

CTE Expo

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        February 8, 2019       In the CTE Expo, I was able to get plenty of freshman to play my game and allow them to see my code. Something i could work on is that I should've sent more freshman over to other people located in the Expo such as the sophomores. Next year, i will make sure to send more freshman over to talk to the sophomores and to also help them and guide them so they are able to communicate since I know how stressful and nerve wrecking it can be. The CTE is a representation of what it is you do in the Web Design class. You should be able to explain it to people and show them what you have accomplished so far.