
Showing posts from 2018

MP3 CE#4

"Tech firms, varying from Google to Amazon to Facebook, are each hiring thousands of workers and leasing or building millions of square feet in commercial real estate, rivalling Wall Street to become one of the area’s largest private employers and property occupants. In the process, they are transforming a city of finance, fashion and media into a hub for software, e-commerce and the Internet." This trend was started on Monday when Google announced that it was planning to create a $1 billion campus just south of West Village. By pushing to occupy this space, Google has become one of New York's biggest occupants of office space "allowing it to double its work force in the city to more than 14,000 over the next decade." Google's new campus allows it to strength its position on Manhattans West Side. This will eventually lead to accelerating neighbourhood changes in the once industrial district just of West Village. This would be just like when Go

MP3 CE#3

     "C3PO, R2D2 and Wall-E are three distinctly memorable robots that captured our hearts as they rolled and beeped across the silver screen.  But pint-sized and friendly, humanoid robots are now more than just fictional characters. They’re finding their way into new roles as teachers, ready to shape the way students learn in the classroom.  From as young as 12-months-old, toddlers are learning  new words  from robot instructors. By primary school, children are capable of learning features of  new languages  taught to them by humanoid robots." Robots do the job the same way as a teacher but what makes it easier for kids to learn from them is that they find them more interesting. Kids now a days are surrounded by technology all around them. They are being taught from an early age to learn how to code so in the future, they can code other robots to be more proficient in teaching future generations. This can encourage many kids to learn coding also due to the fact that

MP3 CE#2

Throughout the years, the Internet has increased and websites have gotten more complex. This has caused many other websites to become slower and unresponsive. One company that has been having trouble with this is Amazon who says that for every one second delay in loading time, their profits are cut by one per cent. “Computer scientists at the world famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a system that can reliably make websites load 34% faster.”  The existing computing platforms do not have the bandwidth and capabilities to process, store, manage, transmit and secure the big data we need to solve problems.  As internet connectivity becomes ever more important, new technologies are emerging to connect the entire globe with better, faster service. On several continents, research and development projects are underway to provide internet connectivity via  high-altitude balloons. U nlike those used to capture weather data, unmanned  solar-powered drones  and next-ge


All around the world, there are not only adults bur kids too, with their noses buried up in their screens. There has always been the issue about kids spending way too much time in front of their screens.  According to a research study that examined nearly 900 children between the ages of six months and two years, children who use handheld screens before they begin to talk may be at a higher risk for speech del ays.  For every 30-minute increase in handheld screen time, research shows that children face a 49 percent increased risk of expressive speech delay. But this is far from the only impact. According to  other independent studies , excessive exposure to technology also presents an increased risk of the following: Obesity. More screen time means more sedentary activity. This leads to increased weight gain and a greater risk of becoming overweight or obese.  Sleep problems. The blue light emitted from screens negatively impacts the brain’s sleep cycle and can lead to insomni


A new development in technology is VR. Although VR has been around since the 1950s, until recently the technology wasn’t able to deliver the fully immersive digital experience users have been desiring. That’s about to change with recent improvements to both hardware and programming, and the effects are going to be felt across almost every industry from retail to education.    Virtual reality has been a popular component of video games for several years and this trend is continuing to expand. In addition to video games, VR is likely to affect companies across the board as they adopt the technology to help them engage customers more effectively and optimize their sales and marketing efforts. It’s also a potentially useful tool for learning and is increasingly being adopted by educational organizations. Source:

Why do we need programming languages

Languages like English are used to communicate between two humans. In the same way a programming language is used to communicate between a human and computer. Since computers can only understand 1's and 0's  and humans can understand only English language, we need a language that can be understood by both. To make it simpler to communicate with the computer. Another function that you use code for is to be able to simplify things. To be able to give then a structure to help you build more complex things, by giving you simpler tools to build them with. 
 The one thing that caught my eye when I went to the MET, was the big Christmas tree. The tree was adorned with cherubs and about some fifty angels suspended in the tree.  At the base of the tree, the scenery of the Neapolitan Christmas crib is being represented by the different figures. There are three different elements that are being presented at the base: the Nativity with the adoring shepherds and their flocks, the processions of the three Magi who dressed retinue echoes the merchants and travelers one may have encountered in bustling Naples at the time of the crèche's creation and, most distinctive, colorful peasants and townspeople engaged in their quotidian tasks. The theatrical scene is enhanced by a charming assortment of animals such as sheep, goats, horses, a camel, and an elephant. In the background, several pieces serve as the dramatic setting for the Nativity, including the ruins of a Roman temple, several quaint houses, and a typical Italian fountain with a lion&#


"Machines that learn language more like kids do Computer model could improve human-machine interaction, provide insight into how children learn language." They way that children learn is by exploring their environment. The touch everything and ask questions about every single thing they encounter. The way adults respond to these question, is what helps children develop their vocabulary as they grow up. In computing, learning language is the task of syntactic and semantic parsers. These systems are trained on sentences annotated by humans that describe the structure and meaning behind words.  The parser could also help researchers better understand how young children learn language. “A child has access to redundant, complementary information from different modalities, including hearing parents and siblings talk about the world, as well as tactile information and visual information, [which help him or her] to understand the world,” says co-author Boris Katz, a pri




What exactly is a favicon? How are favicons created? What a favicon is a small and iconic image that represents you. They are mostly found in the address bar of your web browser. Although nowadays, modern browser do recognize PNG, GIF or JPG formats as favicons, Internet Explorer does not . There are many ways to create a favicon. The easiest way is by using an online tool. There is a tool that provides an easy way to   convert any GIF, PNG or JPEG to ICO which is supported by all modern web browsers. It also enables you to create favicons from scratch via a handy online editor. A website that helps you create favicons is called  Favicon & App Icon Generator. Sources:
In class today we learned about waterfalls in HTTP. What water falls are is a chart is any diagram that represents data that is generated cumulatively and sequentially across a process.  There are different waterfalls. One of those is called a  "performance-specific waterfall chart lets you see the series of actions that occur between a user and your server in order for that user to view a specific individual page of your site." You should be check your waterfall if you care about the way the webpage you are in loads. So you have a better understanding of why a page may take longer to load than others. source:

MP2 Current Events 2

"A step toward personalized, automated smart homes System that automatically identifies people moving around indoors could enable self-adjusting homes." There are many machines that are able to identify the occupants in their house but only when they are carrying their mobile device. But now all of that is changing thanks to a system that is called  Duet. "It uses reflected wireless signals to localise individuals. But it also incorporates algorithms that ping nearby mobile devices to predict the individuals’ identities, based on who last used the device and their predicted movement trajectory. It also uses logic to figure out who’s who, even in signal-denied areas." (paragraph 3, lines 2-6) This system is very useful because it can adapt to you and make your home accommodate itself based on your needs. Not only that but it can also detect intruders and make sure strangers don't enter the private areas of your house. It can also detect differences in

MP2 Current Events 1

"Social media can be both bummer and boon for the brain" In this article, it talks about the positive effects that social media can have on someones health. An example of this shows up when in the article, it is talked about how there was a girl who was up at 1:20am and couldn't sleep because she kept thinking about her boyfriend who has just broken up with her, she posted on facebook that she didn't feel so good and if there was someone she was able to talk to. Immediately 3 people whom she had met playing Quidditch responded and she was able to talk to them until she fell asleep. It has been proven that social media can also help with mental illnesses. It can create a sense of confidence and even raise your self-esteem. You have more access to people around you who can help you when you are going through a tough time but don't feel comfortable enough to talk about it with our parents. I agree with with this article because social media has helped m

What do FileZilla, CoreFTP & CyberDuck have in common?

What do FileZilla, Core ftp and Cyber Duck have in common?  FileZilla is a free software, cross-platform FTP application, consisting of FileZilla Client and FileZilla Server. Its also a  software that transfers files between a client to a server over the internet  . Core FTP is a secure FTP client for Windows and it  has many feature such as file view and editing as well as firewall support.  Cyberduck is an open source client for FTP and  SFTP,  and an FTP that helps with the transferring files between two machines.   The one thing that FileZilla, Core ftp, and Cyber Duck have in common is they all use  Ftp and that they all help transfer files from one machine to another.   .
My name is Dayanna Arias and I'm a junior at Information Technology High School. I am in my second year of the Visual Design CTE academy and the reason I am interested in this field of study is because I find it very interesting and in my opinion in the future, in any job that you pick, you're going to need at least something that you are going to learn in this academy. For example, business cards are something everyone needs no matter what job they have because how else are they going to promote the best thing they are good at which is their job. It would save many people time and money that it requires to order and purchase these cards. Who better to do your business card than yourself because you already know what you want in your card and how you want it. The same thing goes for when you are creating a logo for let's say your company. Since you already know how to do it, you wouldn't need to go through all the hassle to find someone that can do it for you and some

What does a CTE diploma mean to me?

There are many differences between a Region's and an Advance Region's diploma. One of them is that an  Advance Region's diploma would show that you did way more work than what was required to graduate high school. It shows that you are a student who exceeded in school and it tends to be recommended for students who will attend college after high school. Both diplomas are good but the Advance Region's diploma can save you a lot of time and money because some colleges tend to exempt you from taking certain courses because you have already meet the requirements for the Advance Region's diploma. A Region's diploma requires you to have 8 credits in Math, 6 in Science, 8 in Social Studies, 2 in LOTE and in different arts,4 in PE,1 in Health, 7 Electives and in total have 44 credits. The exam requirements are of 65+ on the ELA regents exam, 65+ on one math exam, 65+ on one social studies exam, 65+ on one science exam, it doesn't require you to have taken an LOTE e

Project 7 reflection

For this project it was also a group project and we had to create our own newspaper . The theme for out newspaper was style and each one of us had to do one article based on this topic. What I chose to write about was Roman Arcitechture. I chose this because I think people should learn about how before Roman Architecture was all we based our buildings off but now a days, we just create simply basic buildings. There are some buildings that are really creative looking and very nice to look at, but the majority of the buildings in today's society, don't carry the aspects of a usual Roman building, the with the fancy columns in the middle and the statures of animals in the corner of the building. I also created the games for our newspaper article and it included a soduku and a crossword puzzle that was based off the words that are most commonly used to identify style.

Project 6 reflection

For this project my group and I had to create a yearbook. We had to base the yearbook off the sophomore web design class. Our group members had different jobs and I got to be the photographer. I had to take pictures of everyone to be able to use in our individual pictures. For the yearbook what we included was the cover page, a space for autographs, the individual pictures and a message from our teacher Ms.Ramirez, student quotes which were just random quotes that were said by everyone, a collage of pictures from out class trip and from out CTE exposition to the freshman class to explain to them out business cards project and explain what this CTE class was about, and a section of some of the sports teams from out school which included the boys volleyball team, the girls softball team, the boys basketball team and the soccer team. This was a fun project that made us work together in order to create a master piece which was our yearbook .

Project 5 reflection

For this project  had to create a brochure on a topic that I thought was important for people to know about. I chose stray animals. I think this is an important topic because people don't have any idea how many dogs are actually homeless and roam the streets. My brochure had to be informative so what I included was what people can do to help so these animals aren't abandoned anymore. I also included the reason why they are abandoned and if they're really dangerous animals. I also included the place that has helped so many of these animals find a home and those are animal shelters. In there, animals get fed and taken care of while having a temporary place ti sleep until they can find a forever home. I find these skills useful because later on I can create brochures that can promote my company of anything that I need to promote and I will be able to make it attention calling and i will know what to do to aim it at certain age groups.

Project 4 reflection

In this project I had to create 9 business cards in total. Using the logos I had created in the project before, I had to create business cards that would represent my company. Some of the inspiration that I used for my business cards was the a scientist. I used this because for a couple of my logos i used a DNA strand as an inspiration since my initials are DNAV. I also used working in the city as an inspiration since some of my logos were the city skyline and when i see that, i picture myself working in an office in the city. I also had to do different styles of business cards so i organised the basic information of a business card: logo, name, occupation, address, etc, in different ways and i created six business cards horizontally and three vertically.

Project 3 reflection

For this project I had to create different types of logos. There are three different types of logos that I had to create iconic, logo and combination. The way that I had to create these logos was by using my initials DNAV. I had to use something to inspire me and what I used was the city since one of my logos was the skyline.I also used the a DNA strand as an inspiration for two of my logos since it matches with my initials and it was very creative. I used different types of fonts to create my three letter logos with my initials. I see myself using these skills to create better logos when I do my business cards/

Lab 15 reflection

In this lab i read chapter 8 on Illustrator and it taught me many skills about the things I could do with my texts. I then proceeded to take a quiz which make me put those skills to a test. I learned how to use text warp which is when a picture goes in the middle of a text without cutting it off. I also learned how to justify a text and how to create texts inside a box and be able to create a header. I learned how to use different fonts on the same text and make it look original. I can use these skills later on when i am making a news article and when i want to insert a picture i can be able to do it without interrupting the text.

Lab 14 reflection

What I did in this lab was that i read chapter 4 which talked about Illustrator and the different ways that you could play around with the letters and the way that you could design them. After that I took a quiz which tested me in how to make the letter wide and lighter. I also had to use what i learned to put a letter on top of another letter and behind it. Another special effect i learned was how to be able to make my name look wavy and create a path with it. I can use these skills later on by being able to customise the way my fonts look in my web page or in any other project that I create.

Lab 13 reflection

What I did in this lab was that I read chapter 3 which was about Illustrator and it taught me how to use the pen tool and how to move the line a certain way. I also learned how to use shapes and to move them around to be able to edit them. I then took a quiz which made me use those skills to make a line ,done with the pen tool, look like an "M". It also made me use the pen tool to create various shapes but be able to edit them to look unique and to colour them in. I envision myself using these skills to create a unique pattern of some sort that would look really good if used as an outline in a website or business card.

Lab 12 reflection

What i did in this lab was that I first read a chapter about the way to use Indesign and its shapes. I then proceeded to do the chapter quiz which made me use some of the vector shapes to create a circle, a dotted line and two triangles. With the skills that i had learned, i then proceeded to draw something which turned out to be a chick. I see myself using these skills in the future when I need to create my own logo and it includes different shapes, I can easily create it and even make it look very professional.

Lab 4 Reflection

What I did in this lab was that i cropped out all of the pieces of the Melon Head and then proceeded to separate them into different sections to create a face. I did this i n photo shop by using the lasso tool to cut out the pictures of the  fruits. proceeded to select the eye next to each layer so only the fruit i cut would be left. I then used the magic wand to select the whole background of the layer and the select the inverse which would be the fruit. I then proceeded to select all of the images to the first layer so i could rearrange them to look like a face. I learned to be creative by using different fruits to make one thing that is very recognisable. I may use these skills in the future when I am creating a project that needs to be creative and very original so I could use different things related to the topic to create a masterpiece. 

Mock Interview Reflection Journal

Dayanna Arias 5/22/18 Web Design During our mock interviews yesterday, i was able to learn a lot of things. I learned that in  almost all interviews the first thing the employers look at id the way you dress and introduce yourself. First impressions always matter and specifically when you are getting interviewed. After you give a mini introduction about yourself, you will start getting asked some questions that will define if you're qualified for the job or not. Some of those questions would be about where do  you see yourself in five years or to describe some of your strengths and weaknesses. Depending on how you answer these questions, will determine whether or not you'll even be considered for the job. The key to answering these questions is to be truthful and honest. Yes you can also improvise when they start asking you questions, but its recommended that you come prepared from home. Look up common questions asked during interviews and try to come up with an answer.

Power skills-- Synopsis

The way all the skills are related is that they're all the key to be able to be successful in your career. First of all, in order for you to get a job, you should always be prepared for an interview and act professionally so that you leave a good first impression. They all mention that you should be able to work in teams and to be able to have a good communication with one another in order to avoid misunderstandings, You should also be able to be prepared to solve any problems that you may come across and be able to solve them in unique ways. All these skills are important for you to succeed in your future.

Power skills- Interview Skills.

In the video that went over choice C, it was well known that the applicant was not prepared for the interview and gave a very unprofessional answer to the question that was being asked. In the second video, the applicant was well prepared and very professional. I would like to be like the second job applicant because they acted very professional meaning they probably gave a good first impression, which means they have more chances of getting the job.

Power skills-- Networking

The way that I am networking right now is by using search engines to look up information about something that I don't understand and need help with. I know I'm networking because I'm using the Internet to obtain valid information that will help me with what I'm doing.

Power skills-- Communication

Communication is a very important skill both verbally and in written because you have to be able to communicate your ideas to your co-workers and be able to receive information from them too. You have to be able to express your ideas to another person because sometimes miscommunication can happen and the person you were trying to communicate with, might end up doing something wrong.

Power Skills--Critical Thinking And Problem Solving

Critical Thinking And Problem Solving are valuable skills as a web designer because being able to over come an issue that has presented to you, is a great skill for anybody in any career. Critical thinking is a good skill for a web designer because it allows you to create original contents with unique ideas. You have to be able to think outside the box, on order to communicate well with others to solve your problems.

Power skills- Professionalism

The best way to show professionalism is to be responsible and honest. The way that you could do this in school is by completing a required task on time or using proper language when speaking in school. Also, you have to be able to communicate well with others and be productive with professional manner.

Power skills--Teamwork

The way that you work properly in a team in the workplace is by sharing the credit with your teammates. In the workplace, you should be capable of working well with others and being able to share your ideas since teamwork is essential for success. Working with others is a skill that more employers look for because it will allow everyone to accomplish more so everyone will benefit from it.

CTE Expo

CTE expo is a way for communicating to the freshman. As well as to show the freshman what we do in the web design academy. To prepare, we created a board showing off the business cards which is one of the many projects that you do In the first year of the web design academy. I presented my board a few teachers and some students in order to receive their attention.  I was able to convince a few students into joining the web design academy. And I was able to present without surprisingly having a anxiety, hehe. In order to improve, I can include more information about what the academy is about and how it is based on my current experiences. I felt that it went very well and a bit as planned