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Metropolitan Museum of Art Reflection

    In this trip, I saw many interesting things that caught my eye. The museum was split into different sections such as the medieval times, Ancient Greece, etc. While in the museum I saw many different paintings that meant many different things and were created in unique ways. One of the first paintings that we saw was the one of a cow looking at another painting of a cow that was called "The Innocent Eye Test" by Mark Tansey. This painting was made because the  human experts wonder if the cow can distinguish artifice from reality. Another painting that we saw was by an artist called Chuck Close. This painting was very fascinating because up close it looked like it was made by thousands of pixels but in reality it was done by finger painting. Another sculpture that we saw was one that looked to be made with wood but in reality it was made with aluminium and it was an orange red colour and it was made to connect with whoever was seeing it and it gave you different emotions. W

Project 2 Collage Lettering Reflection

    What I did in this project is that I used the quick selection tool to select Harry's body completely. I then created a mask of what I selected. I duplicated the layer of the inverse of what I selected in the beginning. I proceeded to use 8 images to fill in the white space that was left where the body should be. The 8 images had to me things that represented him. The images I used were of his movie poster: Dunkirk, the band he was in which was One Direction, The sweater he has which included all of his tattoos, a music note since he is a singer, a picture of his microphone that he always uses, a picture of fangirls which because we're basically why he has a job, a picture of the Gucci sign because his signature suits are always Gucci and money because that's something he has plenty of.      After this, I did something called letter tracing. It consisted of me duplicating the layer with the mask on it and then adding the layer to selection. I then deleted the la

LAB 6 reflection

What I did in this lab was that I used the vector shapes to colour in the picture. I used many shapes but some of the ones I mainly used were a square, a circle and a raindrop. I tried to use vibrant colours so the image will stand out. I used the shape of a cloud to colour in the feathers so it would look like it has some textures in the edges. I tried to make the edges of the owl have some texture so I left white spots here. These tools would be useful to us when we need to colour in different shapes. You would pick the shape that is according to the picture that you are colouring in and then use not only that shape, but other shapes that would help you add some texture to your image so it doesn't just look like you're colouring a random shape.

Lab 11 Reflection

 What I did in this lab was that I used the  Colour replacement took to change the colour of the child’s cap from red to green. I then used the Clone Stamp tool and the Spot healing brush to erase the graffiti from the back wall and make the wall look brand new. I also  used the clone tool to fix the rip in the bottom left of the picture. I then used the Spot Healing Brush tool to get rid of the sprinkler heads. Additionally, I  used the healing brush to erase the initials ‘DJ’ from the rocks. I then used the patch tool to erase the chips and holes on the sides of the rocks. I also fixed the holes on the left side and the ones on the right side and the cracks that were on the rocks. I used the patch tool to fix the big gap in the rocks on the right. Finally,  I used the healing brush to erase the horizontal wrinkles in the forehead. I got rid of the furrow lines in between the eyebrows next. I also used the patch tool to erase the wrinkles under his eyes and the wrinkles insid

Lab 10 Reflection

Reflection Journal - (2 paragraphs):  1) Briefly explain what your task was. 2) Describe what the following tools do: the magic eraser tool, the blur tool, the dodge tool, the burn tool, the sponge tool, paint bucket tool and gradient tool. 3) What does the blending mode do? 4) What other projects can you think these tools could have helped you with? 5) Which tool did you find the best fit for you? My task was to use the tools: magic eraser tool, blur tool, dodge tool, burn tool, sponge tool, paint bucket tool, and gradient tool on five pictures I was assigned to edit according to the directions I was given. Some of the pictures required me to only use one tool on them while others required more than one. For example in pic D all I had to use was the sponge tool. Different tools have different functions and the magic eraser tool cuts out a specific color completely out of a picture until it touches another color. The blur tool is used to help focus on a specific part of an image b

Lab 9 reflection

What I did in this lab was that I wrote my name 6 times and then used different blending options and different layer styles to make them all seem unique. I used different options such as inner glow, inner shadow, outer glow, satin, ect. This could be usedfull for  a web designer because it would help when you're trying to make a presentation for example, you need to catch the attention of everyone so you have to make the writing seem interesting and colorful and different so nobody gets bored with seeing the same black times new roman font.

Lab 8 reflection

What I did in this lab was that I first used the quick select tool to select the turkey only. I then created a mask of the turkey in a copy of the original layer. I then used the blur tool to blur the background only so I right clicked the mask of the turkey and then i clicked on select inverse so it would make it easier for me to blur the background. I then used the text tool to write happy thanksgiving and changed the color of the font to red. These skills would be useful because it would help when you want people to focus on one thing only so you could blur the background and make the picture pop.

Lab 7 reflection

What I did in this lab was that i choose two different pictures, one of me and another one that I had of when I did a project that I had to take pictures for the first marking period. I then made sure to rasterize the first layer which was a picture of me and then add the filter called "Liquify".One of the tools that I used was the reconstruction tool that is like a history brush because you can use it to repair something if you made a mistake. For the rest of the layers, i just choose different filters from the filter gallery that would still make it recognisable to see what is going on in the picture. The way we could use these tools is that when we have a boring picture, we could use the filters we discovered to make it pop out and call people's attention.

Lab 5 reflection

What I did in this lab was that I used the brush tool to paint my owl. I did this by using the selection tool to only select certain parts of the picture. I did this so it would be easier for me to paint so I don't paint out of the lines. I first picked what I wanted to paint and then used the quick selection tool to only select that certain part. I then adjusted the brush size and the hardness to light so I could color properly. I then then set the hardness a little more up so I could trace over the lines of so it could look more realistic. These skills are important to know because sometimes when you have to create your own logo for your company, you need to do it good and properly so it would look good and professional.

Difference between 300ppi and 72ppi

   When you need to print a picture, you need a 300ppi resolution in order for it to have a high resolution and for it to look professional. When you are inserting a picture in a webpage, you need a 72ppi resolution so it doesn't look too bright. For example, when printing out the two pictures, the one with 300ppi resolution was a good picture because since it had a high resolution, you were able to see the picture clearly as if it was a regular picture and not something that was printed. Compared to the 72ppi resolution, which was too dim and you weren't able to distinguish things very clearly.

Lab 3 Reflection

     What I did in this lab was that I downloaded a picture of a car and then i created four more copies of it. I then opened a new document and adjusted the size of the car to be 250x186. Then I re saved the image as a copy and used it in a new document. I later then adjusted the cars to that they would go diagonally even if it meant overlapping each other. I then proceeded to change the adjustments of each image to certain things such as making it black and white, raising the saturation of the image, replacing the colour of the car only with another colour and finally change the hue of the image. Afterwards I named the technique i used for each card and made it look nicer by changing the font of the letters and adding some effects to it. This is useful for a web designer because it teaches us how we're able to only change certain things of an image if we wanted to. For example, I learned to change the colour of only the red car in the second layer and that is useful becaus

Lab 2 Refection

         What I did in this lab is that in photo shop I used the lasso tool to cut out the picture of the dog very carefully and then I copied it 10 times to give me a total of 11 dogs in the end. I then proceeded to select the eye next to each layer so only the one dog would be left. I then used the magic wand to select the whole background of the layer and the select the inverse which would be the dog. After that I proceeded to edit the picture. Some of the things I changed were the hue/saturation, the brightness of the picture or even turn the picture black and white. I did this to all 10 copies of the dog and ended up with many colours. These skills are important because sometimes you have to make adjustions to some images that you plan on using but since you don't know what to do or how you're going to do it, its good to learn that you can make cut out the same image and play around with it until it looks perfect and worthy of using.

Lab 1 Reflection

  What I did in this lab was that a camera was given to me and then I was ordered to go on a hike to take specific pictures from certain angles. Those angles were high point angle, low point angel, eye level angle, focus and landscape. In order to get these angles I had to stand on one specific spot and take 24 pictures that reflected each angle. In order to accomplish this I had to chose a spot that had a variety of things surrounding it. These skills are important for a web designer because you have to learn what pictures are appropriate to use when creating a website. You have to learn how to use pictures that would capture the attention of the people and make them actually want to go and see what the website is all about.

The Difference between gif, RAW, JPEG, PNG, etc

There are many differences between these file formats. For example, RAW  files are processed directly from the camera’s sensor, which makes them not  use compression due to the fact that  they are loss less and makes the images extremely high-quality. They show more shades of colours and better representation of white balance, contrast, exposure  etc. In addition, changes made to RAW files are non-destructive. Only the meta data that controls the rendering is altered, but the original file data remains untouched. GIF, or Graphics Interchange Format, is great  for graphics and visuals with animation and many web designers use them to create a sharp-eyed line artworks such as simple logos and banners. Unfortunately there's a downside to using  GIF files, the data compression makes it an extremely loss,which makes it not recommended for photos. PGN or better known as Portable Network Graphics, was originally created as a replacement for GIF and is mostly used by photographe

Window vs. Mac

          Window is basically a PC and everyone knows that Macs are PCs. If we were to talk about Macs operating system then Mac can actually run Windows. Some of the differences between the two is the experience. Windows 8 tried so hard to try to integrate touch based computers in desktops and some people didn't want it. Recently Windows 10 has started to repair that mistake and is doing an amazing job at it but it still doesn't compare to Mac who is clean, redefined, stable and way nicer to spend your time with. A bad thing about Windows or PC is that there are too many to choose from.  Because PCs don't come from a single manufacturer there are hundreds of PCs on the market. But none of these have the single vision guiding them that Macs offer. When it comes to security,   Mac users have flaunted the apparent invulnerability of their systems in the faces of PC using friends.  Macs are continually shown to suffer less attacks than Windows-based PCs and by quite alot.

What does a CTE diploma mean to me?

There are many differences between a Region's and an Advance Region's diploma. One of them is that an  Advance Region's diploma would show that you did way more work than what was required to graduate high school. It shows that you are a student who exceeded in school and it tends to be recommended for students who will attend college after high school. Both diplomas are good but the Advance Region's diploma can save you a lot of time and money because some colleges tend to exempt you from taking certain courses because you have already meet the requirements for the Advance Region's diploma. A Region's diploma requires you to have 8 credits in Math, 6 in Science, 8 in Social Studies, 2 in LOTE and in Visual Art, Music, Dance and/or Theater, 4 in PE,1 in Health, 7 Electives and in total have 44 credits. The exam requirements are of 65+ on the ELA regents exam, 65+ on one math exam, 65+ on one social studies exam, 65+ on one science exam, it doesn't require y

"Literally my Life" My biography

My name is Dayanna Arias and I'm a sophomore at Information Technology High School. I am in the Visual Design CTE academy and the reason I am interested in this field of study is because I find it very interesting and in my opinion in the future, in any job that you pick, you're going to need at least something that you are going to learn in this academy. For example, business cards are something everyone needs no matter what job they have because how else are they going to promote the best thing they are good at which is their job. It would save many people time and money that it requires to order and purchase these cards. Who better to do your business card than yourself because you already know what you want in your card and how you want it. The same thing goes for when you are creating a logo for let's say your company. Since you already know how to do it, you wouldn't need to go through all the hassle to find someone that can do it for you and sometimes you mi